Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Juicing Day #1

Man, this is going to be a chore I can see, but hopefully worth it in the long run. I cut up a pineapple and a mango into pieces, threw it into some tupperware to freeze it for later juices. Today I'm having severe fatigue issues, which is rare for me, so I'm trying to push myself.

 For the first juicing concoction I put in pineapple, mango, carrots, broccoli, kale, and a little yogurt. I don't even have a juicer, I'm using a food processor, so you can imagine the "juice" is a little chunky. But anyways, down the hatch it goes! I have no idea what is good to put in and what is not, or how much I should drink..I'm learning as I go. So as I find things out, I will post them here.

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