Tuesday, February 28, 2012

IDSA Comments Book

IDSA Comments Book

  I want to say a big thank you to Creda Perilli, and anyone who helped her put this together! It took a lot of work.

Also thanks to the Burdges, Doug Flamboe, Tamara Guillen and Timothy Grey for hand delivering them to Congress!

And thank you to Todd Meese for supporting this financially and kicking off this whole event by posting the first comment!



  1. Thank you SO much to every one of you involved in putting this together! GREAT JOB!

  2. Kuddos to everyone who voiced their concerns and the staff who produced it!


  3. Thank you, Lisa (and everyone else!). And you worked on this document (book!) as well, don't forget, Lisa. We all put our hearts and souls into this project and there is more to come, I promise!

  4. I know that this is battle. We as Lyme sufferers are the soldiers in a war. Eventually a change will take place. There are too many people reaching out to be ignored. Thank you Lisa for your help. I to am working to get the word out. I have just become a member of The Ulster County Lyme Advisory Committee. My neighbor is a legislator. He has observed the effects that Lyme has had and still has on my health. I am grateful to him for forming this committee in Ulster County. Everyone should continue to write letters, peacefully protest and make phone calls to get the word out as much as possible. We will win this battle! Stay positive and pray!

  5. THank you D and everyone who commented. I am so happy things to moving forward. Slowly but each thing we do is a step towards the truth of this matter. And I am hoping one day we all get the cure we need!
