Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Diet

Well every person with Lyme I talk to that is doing better at all talks about how they changed their diet. So I am going to follow their lead. This seems to be my hardest area to change for some reason. But last night I went out and bought a bunch of organic, alkalizing, good for my blood type types of food. So we shall see. The beginning of another journey. So far one carrot, pineapple, orange, cilantro, cranberry, spinach slushie down! Wasn't bad actually.

Next journey, to begin rifing again!

1 comment:

  1. OK so I sucked at the new diet. I did it for a week then felt worse then I have in a long time. It seemed like a lot of work, that I don't have energy for, or the money for. Why are organic foods so expensive? How do sick people afford it? If I am going to be sick, I might as well enjoy something. If I die with a hoho in hand, so be it!
