Friday, October 5, 2012

Projects of October

Projects of October

OK this may be the most boring post ever, but this helps me to organize what I am doing each month. For some reason if it's written down on paper at my house, it will be thrown away or thrown into one of the many piles I have. So I'm putting it here where I know it won't disappear.

October Goals

1. Halloween Project~ Get as many people as possible to hand out Lyme info on Halloween to the kids and parents. You can order free brochures from the LDA.
Click Here to Order
2. Auction for Lauren ~ Lauren and her three kids all have Lyme Disease and are struggling to make it. I need to collect items for the auction.

Click Here to go to Auction

3. Mass Auction Across Facebook. Start organizing the "Each for His Own" Auction which will happen in November. Time to raise some Christmas/Treatment/ Bill money for everyone!

4. Crafty Diva~ Keep working on craft shop. Being on disability is really hard to live on. I appreciate it soo much. But it doesn't even cover my basic bills. So I am trying to go back to my old hobby of making crafts. Many years ago I had a little shop when I live in Arizona called, "A Little Country in the Desert." I am trying to renew my passion for painting and being creative, so here's my new online blog and shop.

Crafty Diva Blog

Crafty Diva Shop

5. Visit Brittany~  I have not seen my daughter in a couple months and want to go visit her.

Miss you Bipmy <3

6. Keep my holiday blog updated!

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  1. Hey Lisa,

    Are you handing out non-GMO candy this year? How about organic raisins?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for this link...I am going to blog about it on my "Eating for Better Health Blog." Great work getting the word out there about GMO's.
