
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Picc Line Covers

Please check out this great site for picc line covers! Tina makes them, and will custom order them to your size.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Juicing Day #1

Man, this is going to be a chore I can see, but hopefully worth it in the long run. I cut up a pineapple and a mango into pieces, threw it into some tupperware to freeze it for later juices. Today I'm having severe fatigue issues, which is rare for me, so I'm trying to push myself.

 For the first juicing concoction I put in pineapple, mango, carrots, broccoli, kale, and a little yogurt. I don't even have a juicer, I'm using a food processor, so you can imagine the "juice" is a little chunky. But anyways, down the hatch it goes! I have no idea what is good to put in and what is not, or how much I should drink..I'm learning as I go. So as I find things out, I will post them here.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rest In Peace Debbie

Debbie Bodden

I want to sadly tell you that another one of our Lyme friends passed away. For those of you who did not know Debbie, she was a real sweetheart, always trying to help other even though she couldn't get the help she needed herself. 

Lyme Disease really isolates people and makes them so vulnerable to depression and loneliness that seems never ending. If you know someone who is sick please reach out to them once in a while.See if they need meds picked up or groceries, or stop by with a hot meal, or do their dishes. Even if it's just once every couple months, you don't know what they little visit would mean to them. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm at a crossroads

I usually don't write too much personal stuff about myself on here. But I feel like I'm at a cross roads where I don't know what I believe anymore. I definately don't know the next step to take. I kinda feel like I am getting to a point where I am even "accepting" this disease. Am I losing my will to fight? I don't know. I feel like I have.  Or maybe I'm just waiting for something to come along that I believe will really help. I'm not sure. Maybe Bart has just drilled so far into my head that I just am not thinking rationally about it all right now. Could be. 

I am giving up on the abx and herbal route for me. But I KNOW it helps others, so in noway am I discouraging anyone from trying things to help themselves, just making this post about me. I feel like those ships have sailed and damage is done now. Maybe a change in diet and some heavy duty spiritual teachings is what I need. 

Where to start?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tell The IDSA How You Feel!

So the IDSA board had the brilliant idea of asking us what we want from “our” society in 2012? And boy did patients with Lyme Disease let them know!
I hope this goes further then just the IDSA Board and their victims. I hope this reaches the media, I hope that the news picks up on this. Most of all I hope it makes people aware of what is really going on in the world today. People are really sick, and more are getting sick everyday. When is the truth going to come on out this whole epidemic?
Maybe the time is now?
Write to your congress people about this, write to every news channel you can think of. Share this with your friends and family that don’t believe in Lyme. All these people cannot be lying!

If you have good links to media or newpaper reporters or any contacts, or just any good ideas, please post them in the comments below  so people know who to write to.

Please add your comments on the facebook wall too!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chicagolyme Support Group meeting will be NEXT TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th,

Chicagolyme Support Group

I hope you all enjoyed a great Holiday!!

Our January Support Group meeting will be NEXT TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th, from 6:30pm-8pm at Sherman Hospital in Elgin.  Dr. Melody Hart, ND from Geneva IL will be presenting on the Lyme Diet and proper nutrition for 2012.

If weather is bad, please visit for any cancellations and I will send an email out also.

I will post dates for other support group meetings on also.  


Lauren Egler